倫理における善悪の概念的把握のための思考モデル─traffic rightの制作─
The Thinking Model for Conceptual Understanding ("Begreifen") of Good and Evil in Ethics—Creation of the "traffic right"—
論文の流れとしては、第二章で、過去から現在までの悪をめぐる文化現象を調査し、その動きのなかで善/悪がどう渦巻いているのかを考察する。第三章で、善/悪に関する研究を行っていた哲学者は数多くいるが、本稿では行為の原因である意志と行為との作用関係を分析したカント、善悪を反動的な価値とし善悪の彼岸を探究したニーチェ、を軸に人間の行為ないし態度における悪とは何かを辿る。第四章で、人間の誰しも持っている性癖である非社交的社交性というカントが示した概念とカントの道徳的に善い行為を導き出す定言命法を元に、動物性の素質:功利主義と人間性の素質:規範主義における二律背反の弁証法的跳躍を試み、本稿の目的にもしているギャップを感じた際の行為ないし態度の可能性を探る。第五章で、悪の概念的把握の獲得、またわれわれはどのような行為ないし態度でこの世と対峙することができるのかの思考モデルとして制作した作品「traffic right」の解説を行う。そして最後の第六章で考察と今後の展望を述べる。
Evil, as a means of opposing social injustice, has returned and continues to haunt us. Can we really drive people to one-sidedly eliminate people as ” evil” because their individual beliefs and susceptibilities are different from the beliefs and susceptibilities that society should have? If we consider the example of the nightlife of a city, from the aspect of “raw fulfillment,” it cannot be said that it is generally evil. Nevertheless, in the current situation, if a person deviates from the standards of society, they are labeled as evil, and there is are forces at work to try and eliminate evil as much as possible. However, it is also true that even if one makes the counter-intuitive claim that the forces that eliminate evil are evil, due to reactionary values – a value shift by ressentiment – they are ultimately repeating the same thing as the forces that eliminate evil.
What we need now is to acquire some understanding, some conceptual grasp of what evil is. After acquiring a conceptual understanding of evil, it is necessary to consider what kind of action or attitude we can take to confront this world. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a thought model that expresses what good and evil are and how our will chooses our actions according to that good and evil.
In this thesis, Chapter 2 surveys the cultural phenomenon of evil from the past to the present and how good/evil is swirling in the movements of time and culture. In Chapter 3, we will trace what evil is in human actions and attitudes, focusing on Kant, who analyzed the relationship between the will, which is the cause of action, and action, and Nietzsche, who considered good and evil as reactionary values and explored the boundary between good and evil. Chapter 4, is based on Kant’s concept of non-sociability, which talks of a propensity that all human beings have, and Kant’s categorical imperative for deriving morally good actions. I attempt a dialectical leap between animalistic qualities: utilitarianism and human qualities: normativism. The purpose of this part of the paper is to explore the possibilities of actions or attitudes that can be taken when a gap is perceived. In Chapter 5, I will explain the work “traffic right,” which I created as a model for understanding the concept of evil and what kind of action or attitude we can take in confronting this world. In the final chapter, “Chapter 6,” I will discuss and present my future outlook.