Paul DeMarinis |
Paul DeMarinis has been working as a multimedia electronic artist since 1971 and has created numerous performance works, sound and computer installations and interactive electronic inventions. He has taught computer, video and audio art at Mills College, Wesleyan University, San Francisco State University and the New York State College of Ceramics, and has been a video game designer for Atari Inc. and Scholastic Software.
Much of his recent work involves speech processed and synthesized by computers, available on the Lovely Music Ltd. compact disc Music as a Second Language. He is currently Artist-in-Residence at Xerox PARC in Palo Alto, California.
Chaotic Jump Ropes
Bright vibrating cords and motors comprise a dynamic system that moves between order and chaos. Tracked by computers, these motions are translated into musical sounds, allowing interactive exploration of chaos as sight, sound and touch.
Chaothic Jump Ropes
theater X