

[ Japanese ]

Student and Graduate works

The works listed below will be screened and exhibited. They are selected from current and former students. Works from graduates include those created, conceived, or prototyped while attending IAMAS. Some works are new versions, modified after graduation.

[Media Installations]
Yosuke Kawamura "TEXTRON"
Tadasu Takamine "Water Level and Organ Sound"
Katsuhiko Tabei & Yasuno Miyauchi (Institute - first-year student) "Presence in a Sigh"
Ichitarou Masuda "Hao Hao"

Natsu Kawakita & Nobuya Suzuki (Faculty) "KARAKURI BLOCK"
Ryota Kuwakubo "PLX"
Mika Fukumori "Ototenji [sound-braille]" and "Letter Picture Book: Shiroi hon [White book]"

Atsuko Uda & Aya Fukuda "Life in Norway"
Sunsuke Sakurai "patchwork movie"
Takashi Taniguchi "Internet Mapping Tool"
Aki Masuo "rear window"
Tsutomu Yamamoto "Abyssal Vision"

Start | Stop  (16 photos slideshow)

Yoshihisa Okano (Academy - second-year student) "Real Time Rendering"

Akinori Oishi "Micro-Plantation"

Akinori Oishi "LIFE IS SWEET"
Hiroko Terawaki (Academy - second-year student) "DIT Guest Lecture Document"

[Video works]
Noriyuki Kimura "Tracks 1 / cyclops"
Takahiro Hayakawa "Aun-niji"
Ressentiment "Ikisyon4 - short editing film"

Omnibus DVD "selected works" :
YAMASHITA Hirotomo "goldentime" 1' (2003)
UEMINE Satoshi "in-" 7' (2002)
MORITA Ken "SLIMDOWN" 4' (2000)
OHASHI Hirofumi "CUBE" 2' (1999)
IKEDA Yasunori + IWATA Katsumi "Karaena" 8' (2000)
TAKAMINE Tadasu "inertia" 3' (1998)
YAMAMOTO Taishi "KITSUNE-MAI: sacred dance" 6' (2002)
SAITO Masakazu+TESHIMA Rintaro "R" 6' (2000)
IMAO Kanako "The ATMAN" 6' (2002)
SAKURAGI Yoshiyuki "KO-KOTSU #2" 3' (2003)
NISHIWAKI Naoki "AnaGuRaHaJiMaRi" 4' (2003)
OKABE Tadashi "frame"1 2' (2004)
MATSUNAGA Keiko "Life Line" 3' (2002)
MA Chao "MY OLD HOME" 8' (2001)

Omnibus DVD "selected animations" :
WAKAMI Arisa "air" 10' (2000)
TSUBOI Mayumi "The Story of Floating Dots" 3' (1998)
Keiko Hino "reflraection" 4' (2002)
INADA Aiko "The boy understood well" 4' (2004)
HASEGAWA Ai "An example 01" 8' (2001)
KUWAYAMA Kayoko "Shi-ra" 12' (2003)
MURAOKA Tomomi "Under The Water" 3' (2005)

Note: Names mentioned without class details are graduates.


IAMAS projects are designed to be practical lessons that go beyond the borders of each course and studio at the Institute and Academy, whereby faculty and students with various backgrounds, skills and knowledge work in cooperation on research & development and the creation of works. Over ten projects are worked on simultaneously each year. This is one of the special features of the curriculum at IAMAS. This exhibition will present the outcomes of the following projects.

infoscape project "infowalker"
Creative research project on next generation's performing art
Gangu Project
Archive of "Manner Arts" Project (Media device for viewing folding screen (rakuchurakugaizu) / media device for pottery)

Geo Media Contents Project

[Video work]

PDP (Programmable Device Project)

[Space design]
Advanced Media School

Archive Exhibition

This exhibition will introduce previous graduate and international Exhibitions through video and catalogues.
Ars Electronica 2004 Campus Exhibition (through DVD/Contents of Project "infoscape")
World Media Culture Forum - Interaction (catalogue/video) - Ogaki Biennale(catalogue/video)
All previous posters, annuals and graduation exhibition catalogues.

Artist-in-Residence Exhibition

IAMAS has implemented its Artist-in-Residence Program since it was established, having invited 19 artists from 10 different countries until now. This exhibition will introduce the works from recent artists.

Shiho Fukuhara & Georg Tremmel (residency from 2005.10 to 2006.03)
"The Source"

Marcia Vaitsman (residency from 2004.04 to 09)
"the one made of light stuff" & "The Elephant Cage"