

[ Japanese ]

Workshops will be lead by faculty from the Academy and the Institute. Visitors can experience what a typical class at IAMAS is like. (Same venue)

Admission is free. Number of participants is limited, reservation required.
Times and maximum number of participants differ for each workshop. Please see details below. For reservations, please send your name, age, occupation, and an email address at which you can be reached to yokohama_ws@iamas.ac.jp.

"Let's make music with algorithms !" Apply

Lecturer: MIWA Masahiro
The curious art of "Jaiken Drumming" was born in Sendai and brought to Ogaki. We will find the hidden rules in this performing art and try to compose a performance song through computer simulation. At the end, everyone will perform the song! The first part of the workshop will consist of explanations of the origins and structure of "Jaiken Drumming". The second part will be the introduction to and writing of simulation programming and a performance.

March 18 (Sat) 13:00 - 16:30
Participants: 10
Participation requirements: Must be high school student or older and command basic computer operation skills (Mac OS X).

Lecturer Profile: Music composer. Professor at Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences. In recent years, he proposed Reverse Simulation Music and has been presenting various works that focus on contemporary music composition. He was awarded the Akutagawa Composition Award for "Bolero by Muramatsu Gear Engine" for Orchestra in 2004. Major works: Opera - The New Generation. Book publication: Music Theory in the Computer Age.

"Physical Computing Workshop"

The workshop has reached the participant capacity so we are no longer accepting reservations.

Lecturer: KOBAYASHI Shigeru
One might struggle with where to start when using the standard input/output (I/O) devices of computer mouses, keyboards and displays to try to produce an unclosed work. For example, just trying to make a single LED blink is quite difficult. This workshop will begin with a simple explanation on electric circuits, continue with connecting I/O modules and various kinds of I/O devices to PCs, and then practice actually making them work. GAINER, a device being developed in the IAMAS Programmable Device Project, will be used for the I/O module.

March 19 (Sun) 13:00 - 16:30
Participants: 10
Participation requirements: Basic computer operation skills (Mac OS X). Electronic engineering and basic programming skills with Cycling'74 Max/MSP is a plus but not required.

Lecturer Profile: Lecturer at International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences. Formerly a technician in an electronic instrument manufacturing company from 1993, he became a lecturer at IAMAS in July 2004 teaching physical computing. Main interests are electronic instruments and user interfaces. His current major research, GAINER, will be shown in this workshop.

"Physical Ensemble"

The workshop has reached the participant capacity so we are no longer accepting reservations.

Lecturer: AKAMATSU Masayuki
Using sound sensors and an actuator that strikes objects like percussion instruments, we will program networked computers to make music while exchanging information with each other. This responds and returns to the pulse of the real world, creating an experience that draws out small phenomena rising within a limitless cycle. This workshop designed to nourish rich sensibilities and insight. Please come participate to sharpen your ears and lift your spirits.

March 19 (Sun) 17:00 - 18:30
Participants: 10
Participation requirements: Must be high school student or older and command basic computer operation skills (Mac OS X). Basic programming skills for Cycling'74 Max is preferred.

Lecturer Profile: He started composing music by using electronics as a teenager. Using computers since 1980, he expands the scope of his production to include not only music, but also various media such as video, networks, etc. He especially focuses on the relation between visitors and the works, and the autonomy of the works themselves by expanding the possibilities of humans and media. Representative works include incubator, "Time Machine!", "Flesh Protocol", and "decipher".

"AlgoriPhysics" Apply

Lecturer: FURUKATA Masahiko
This workshop shows the fun in programming. Programming is the "words" necessary to make a computer run. In the first half of the workshop we will learn what a computer is through "programming using the body" instead of a computer. In the second half, we will use motionExpress-language, currently being developed by Professor Furukata, to intuitively program movements into the things on the screen to bounce, leap and pull.

March 20 (Mon) 13:00 - 16:30
Participants: 10
Participation requirements: Any age, requires only the ability to type letters on a computer.

Lecturer Profile: Major research theme: Relationship between computer and design that focuses especially on the movements on screens and algorithmic thinking. Book publication: Motion Programming in Java (published by Kobunsha). Software releases: gam, mifi, motionExpress-language, etc. In October 2005, he was recognized by the Information - Technology Promotion Agency, Japan as a talented programmer / super creator.

"ten a penny, Gangu - Electronic Toy Project" Apply

Lecturer: James Gibson
A workshop for rapid idea development and sharing. Using sketching as a way to express, capture and share our ideas while brainstorming new electronic toy concepts. Ideas are ten a penny and therefore should be freely exchanged. But, the key to a successful concept is how to sort the good from the fantastic. We will demonstrate practical ways of discussing, filtering and choosing our ideas through this workshop based on the IAMAS Gangu Project.

March 21 (Tue / Public holiday) 14:00 - 17:00
Participants: 10
Participation requirements: Before the workshop please view document below
URL: www.iamas.ac.jp/project/gangu/gangu_research.pdf

Lecturer Profile: Interaction Designer. Former employee of Sony Design Centre Europe. Current lecturer at Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences since 2005. Major projects: Narcissus, BlockJam (Collaborate with Ryota KUWAKUBO and others). Ars Electronica, Interactive Arts Section, Honorary Mention), Spinner and others.

"Epigenetic Landscape" Apply

Geo Media Contents Project
Experience geo media contents art through VR display devices (geo media device), which utilize VRS-GPS and geographic information. Interact with virtual space while walking with a device on the roof of BankART. Enjoy an intriguing experience in real-time and real-space.

March 19 (Sun) 13:00 - 15:30
March 20 (Mon) 13:00 - 15:30
March 21 (Tue / Public holiday) 13:00 - 15:30
*Timeslot reservations required (same day reservations accepted as available). May be canceled due to weather.